Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)
Federal and State regulations governing student financial aid require that students receiving financial aid must maintain standards of reasonable academic progress in the completion of their degree or certificate. California State University, Los Angeles has developed a standard of satisfactory academic progress policy to monitor a student’s academic progress in accordance to the most recent federal and state regulations. Additional SAP Policy information available at Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP).
Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy
If you received financial aid and withdraw from all of your classes within the first 60% point of the term, we must recalculate your financial aid eligibility according to a federally prescribed formula. Since funds are awarded based on your attending the entire term, we must recalculate your award based on the actual number of days you attended. The calculation will determine if you received funds for which you are NOT eligible or if you are eligible for a post withdrawal disbursement. Additional Withdrawal information available at: Withdrawals.
Financial Aid Repayment Policy
Federal financial aid regulation states that if you withdraw from all of your classes or cease enrollment prior to the 60 percent point of instruction in any term, you will be required to repay all unearned financial aid funds received. A calculation will be performed to determine the repayment amount. Students who withdraw from all are subject to have their aid eligibility recalculated. More information is available at Financial Aid Repayment Policy.
Financial Aid Census
Financial Aid awards offered in GET are based on anticipated full time enrollment at Cal State LA. To ensure that students receive the maximum aid, we strongly encourage students to finalize their course schedule no later than each semester's Census Date. Census establishes final enrollment status for Financial Aid reporting purposes and it is a policy that we must apply consistently to all students in any given program.
Dropping Classes Before the Census Date: A Pell or Cal Grant payment made at the beginning of the semester is based on enrollment at that time. If a student drops any classes between the time of the initial disbursement and the Census Date for that semester, financial aid awards may be reduced or canceled.
Adding Classes After the Financial Aid Census Date: Units added after the Cal State LA Census Date (petitions for late add) will NOT increase your aid eligibility.